For a time, the hospitality industry was in dire straits. No one was traveling, eating out, or staying in hotels for months on end. But slowly, governments started to lift restrictions and people became more comfortable with venturing out into the world.
Now, nearly two years after the COVID-19 pandemic began, we are finally seeing something close to “normal” with regards to the hospitality industry. Restaurants in many areas are allowed to seat guests at capacity, hotels have full rooms once again, and vacation spots are seeing high levels of visitor traffic.
However, with this return to normal, proper sanitation practices are becoming more important than ever.
The following article will outline the top 5 sanitation tips for the hospitality industry.
- Identify High-Touch and High-Transmission Areas. Doors, tables, sinks, and other similar surfaces are generally considered “high-touch,” meaning they are touched by many people, many times throughout the day. Similarly, “high-transmission” areas are those where people gather in large numbers, in close contact, and often can’t help but be without masks. Examples of high-transmission areas include crowded elevators, poorly ventilated indoor restaurants, and bars. These areas need to be frequently cleaned and businesses may consider enforcing capacity limits, depending on the individual situation at hand.
- Prioritize PPE. Personal Protective Equipment is one of the best ways for us to avoid contact with pathogens. Managers in the hospitality sector should ensure that employees and guests have access to masks, gloves, and other PPE as necessary. While the cost of maintaining PPE may seem like a significant expense, it is well worth it. The alternative is having employees and guests falling ill, giving the facility a bad reputation in a time where sanitation and cleanliness are highly valued.
- Be Ready for Case Numbers to Rise Again. We all hope that coronavirus case numbers continue to decline over time. Unfortunately, it’s very possible that case numbers could rise again. Whether this rise in cases happens or not, hospitality industry professionals need to be ready. We should all assume that things will get worse again, and prepare accordingly with cleaning and sanitation supplies.
- Follow Government Recommendations and Best Available Evidence. The CDC, WHO, EPA, and other organizations are constantly providing up-to-date information on best sanitation practices. These updates come frequently, and can be easily found with a quick internet search. Hospitality workers should ensure that they are following these research-backed recommendations when cleaning their facilities.
Create a Thorough Cleaning Checklist. Having an easy-to-understand checklist of daily cleaning requirements makes it easy for anyone to recognize what’s needed and to perform the necessary cleaning work in a step-wise manner.
Consider a Commercial Cleaning Service
Commercial cleaning services, such as 3aclean, provide superlative cleaning services that leave every facility spotless. Our clients can have peace of mind that we follow the most current cleaning recommendations and we take pride in our ability to eliminate harmful pathogens from any surface. Contact us today for your commercial cleaning needs! We hope these top 5 sanitation tips for the hospitality industry has helped you identify your needs.
Contact us today to learn more about how we can provide the cleaning services your hospitality facility or commercial space needs.