For many, summer weather means stowing away the winter jackets, planning trips to the beach, and generally celebrating the warm embrace of everyone’s favorite season. The summer months are a time enjoyed by the masses. But where there is warm weather, there are unique commercial cleaning considerations to be made. In the following article, we will discuss 3 summer tips for commercial cleaning to keep your commercial facility spotless over the course of the season.
Smudge-Free Windows
In many office buildings across Colorado, summer temperatures can range from a balmy 70 degrees early in the morning, to a stifling 90 degrees (or more) as the sun moves across the sky. Unfortunately, some office air conditioners aren’t up to the task of keeping your staff comfortable and cool during these extreme spikes and so, the best option is to open and close the windows as needed. With this constant handling of office windows comes smudges abound.
Luckily, with 3aclean’s superior window cleaning service, you won’t have to worry about dirty smudges affecting your view of the beautiful outdoors. We perform interior and exterior window washing on facilities that range from a single story, to many floors. With our cleaning service, your windows will be so clean that you may not be able to tell whether your window is open or closed.
Regular Floor and Carpet Cleaning
In addition to the constant temperature adjustment via window modulation, summer weather also means that more of your office staff will be taking their lunches and breaks outside. As they walk around and soak in all the life that summer brings to the world, their shoes will be picking up extra dirt and soil that will be tracked in as they return to the building. With multiple employees in an office taking multiple breaks each day, your carpets and floors can get very dirty, very quickly.
Once again, however, 3aclean is up to the challenge. We offer truck mounted and portable carpet cleaning services, buffing and refinishing, floor scrubbing, grout removal; you name it, we provide it!
Post-Construction Cleaning
Summer is a great time for construction (as the extra construction-caused single-lane traffic in the summer always reminds us). But these big construction jobs for commercial facilities leave a big mess behind. Dust, dirt, and debris can be found everywhere after a construction project and it can be difficult to effectively clean up.
By this point in the article, you must know that 3aclean has a solution for post-construction clean-up as well. We do all the dirty work so that you don’t have to. Specifically, we provide dusting, roof cleaning, end-of-tendency, post-remodel cleaning, and so much more!
Bottom Line
Whatever your commercial cleaning needs may be: janitorial, medical, office, or virtually anything else, 3aclean has you covered. If you would like to learn more about our services or speak to one of our representatives, visit our website at: and hope these 3 summer tips for commercial cleaning has helped you in the right direction.
Our staff would be happy to discuss your individual commercial cleaning needs and help you keep your facility clean throughout the summer.
Contact us today to learn more about how we can provide commercial cleaning for your office or workspace.